Tim ‘The Peytonator’ Peyton cut his teeth at a wine merchant in hometown, Bath, before an eight-year stint managing a small chain of West London bottle shops. An eclectic music lover, Tim has a penchant for obscure indie bands and electronic music. Record collecting and amateur DJing are his jam. Tim even dabbled in freelance music journalism, and still dusts off the old quill from time to time. Apparently, he “is often the last person standing at a party” – we will of course be fact-checking this audacious claim at our next company soirée at which he’ll likely be seeking out Gamay, Northern Rhône Syrah, or anything with a volcanic or mineral edge.
Tim Peyton
Digital Sales & E-Commerce Coordinator
Joining the company not long after Pete, Anthony has been and remains one of our most valuable secret weapons. He is always at the ready to come to the rescue and only he can navigate across London in his red van quite as efficiently as he does. When not out on deliveries, Anthony spends his time assisting his colleagues in the shop at Pew Corner (aka smashing bottles). Anthony also heads up the catering department at shop tastings, and the bacon sarnies he lays on at our annual stock take are the stuff of legend.